News & Stories

Easter Sunday was very special day at the Mission.  Hundreds of people gathered for an Easter Chapel full of good music, testimonies and hope found in the risen Christ Jesus.  […]

Mike volunteers in the kitchen and dining room 5 days a week. He shows up at 5:45 AM and by 1PM often finishes up by clearing my lunch dishes with[…]

God brings the right volunteers at the right time.  Monday, we started training on the new Electronic Medical Record.  It’s an overwhelming thing to transition all that paper to computers,[…]

A guest client signed up to see me early in the day, he was interested in a faith-based recovery program, he said, “He was sick and tired of secular programs”,[…]

In recent days, I have had the joy and privilege of studying through the book of II Timothy as it is the topic of the weekly women’s bible study that[…]

This past week I was at a local McDonald’s getting my order, when a worker from the food prep area saw me and approached with his hand out to shake[…]

Two women spoke to me today on my direct line…not to sign up for the Hearts of Hope Luncheon, not  to ask about donating. The first was Darlene who urgently[…]

Recently, I walked into a well-known business in our city.  The business owner struck up a conversation with me and thanked me for helping his son who had recently received[…]

This fourth of July was planned as so many others before it. Our day was to be centered around the Mission’s annual Fourth of July Picnic and Healthy Hearts Day.[…]

WE DID IT!!  It was nerve-wracking just anticipating a hike of this magnitude – I knew my friends were getting me into another hair-raising adventure! Just to get you up[…]