God brings the right volunteers at the right time. Monday, we started training on the new Electronic Medical Record. It’s an overwhelming thing to transition all that paper to computers, especially when there are 60 very part time volunteers involved. But God has really provided the people we need to do it, especially Daryl who is acting clinic coordinator on Tuesdays but probably leaving us for medical school this summer, Kate a nurse who just retired from the VA Hospital, and Stephanie, a paramedic. All have significant experience with electronic medical records and with teaching. So they are our core team to learn this new system well, and be available to train and help the rest.
Yesterday I received e-mails from two current nurse volunteers saying they were no longer able to work. One worked every Tuesday morning and can’t continue to come because school has gotten too busy and she is also moving away. The other worked every Tuesday afternoon, but needs to stop because her husband is starting cancer treatment and she is changing jobs. We are also losing several student volunteers at the end of April and beginning of May. Yesterday, I also got an e-mail from a retired nurse with experience at the Schenectady Free Clinic (now closed) who wants to start volunteering with us on Tuesdays. God’s timing is perfect! Besides meeting the need for help, having these e-mails all come on the same day was a reminder to me that God’s got this under his control, helping me to remember: “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Phil 4:6 (ESB)
Sarah Schoof, FNP
Director of Medical Services
Categories: Perry's Blog