Ladies!! Won’t you join us for our 14th annual Hearts of Hope Women’s Luncheon? We will have three delicious luncheon choices at the beautiful, Wolferts Roost Country Club (1. Chicken Caesar Salad / 2. Salmon with Orzo Salad / 3. Vegetable Ratatouille.
Accompanying the meal will be some very inspiring testimonies from a couple of women who’s lives have been strengthened and transformed through Christ at Capital City Rescue Mission. And stick around for the chance to win some very cool door prizes! So bring your sisters, mothers, daughters, women’s bible study or book club for an uplifting and fun afternoon!
DATE: Friday, May 2nd
TIME: 12 Noon
COST: $30/ea
LOCATION: Wolferts Roost Country Club
120 Van Rensselaer Blvd, Albany, NY 12204
This program provides crisis shelter on campus for women throughout the year. The Rescue Mission provides secure overnight accommodations for up to eight women with chapel, dinner and breakfast. A day sitting room is also available complete with refreshments, bible studies and other activities. Caring staff and volunteers extend their arms and hearts to women in need.
A year-long residential program serving homeless, distressed and struggling women and their children. NFP addresses addiction recovery, emotional healing, spiritual growth, parenting strategies and godly character through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Women are helped to return to the community as productive citizens.
Transitional living is available on our campus for women who have graduated the New Faith Program and are employed or continuing their education. It includes a furnished apartment, accountability and counseling, and leads to independent living.
Goal: $80,000.00
Raised: $66,686.00