Proverbs 10:13:
Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has discernment, but a rod is for the back of him who is void of understanding.
The thirteenth comic of Fools Made Wise is a flashback of 1991. Leroy is rubbing his sore backside while his Dad asks him if he understands why he spanked him. Leroy wonders, though unsure, if its because he did what Pop asked him not to do.
Pop replies that he’s right, and that it is important for him to learn this lesson now so he doesn’t repeat it later.
The scene then shifts to the present day. Leroy is rubbing his sore backside while Officer Raph asks him if he understands why he clubbed him. Leroy calls the cop “ham steak” and tells him he doesn’t have a clue.
Officer Raph says the same thing Pop did many years ago, namely that it’s important for Leroy to learn these lessons so he doesn’t end up repeating them later. The comic ends with Leroy rolling his eyes and saying that he’s heard all this before. In Leroy’s case, hearing doesn’t equal doing.
We see the first part of Proverbs 10:13 (Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has discernment) as both Pop and Officer Raph are trying to help Leroy through their discipline. But in both cases, Leroy proves the second part of the Proverb (that a rod is for the back of him who is void of understanding).
Let’s learn from Leroy to listen to those in our lives who have discernment. So much trouble would be spared if we did! And through Jesus’ help, may we become a people who are wise,
discerning, and understanding.
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Categories: Fools Made Wise