Proverbs 10:11:
The mouth of the righteous is a spring of life, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.
The eleventh comic of Fools Made Wise starts with Leroy angrily walking back from the mailbox. He has a bunch of mail in his hand and is spewing out anger at the mailman for not
bringing him the good news he was looking for. He doesn’t have kind words (or intentions) for the mailman: he calls him stupid and wants to slash his tires (showing the second part of
Proverbs 10:11, that violence covers the mouth of the wicked).
Seeing Leroy like this, James asks him what is going on. Leroy tells him that he signed up for one of those Publishers Clearing House drawings, and he was SURE he was going to win. James tells him that is nothing to get upset over, and that life is about MORE than the stuff we have anyway (showing the first part of Proverbs 10:11, that the mouth of the righteous is a spring of life).
Of course, Leroy ignores this, telling James that he already bought a bunch of stuff in anticipation of his big win. The comic ends with Leroy holding up a toaster oven and asking James if he needs one (because if he did, Leroy would give him a good deal on it). Oh, Leroy…
The beautiful thing about our walk with the Lord is that it is NOT a gamble. God promises that as we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, He will provide for our needs (Matthew 6:33). Let’s learn from Leroy that we don’t have to invest our time and money in get-rich-quick schemes, but that which will last for eternity. What are you investing your time and money into these days?
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Categories: Fools Made Wise