
Devin Finds Reconciliation!

Devin was deep into his alcohol addiction, estranged from his family and didn’t know where else to turn. His sister, a former participant and graduate of the Rescue Mission’s women’s program said, “You need to go to the Mission. It’s the only place that can help you.”

Devin took his sister’s advice and joined the New Life Discipleship Program.  He accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior in a chapel service and has since been soaking up the Word of God and growing in his faith.  He immediately began attending a church and was recently baptized.  He has been learning a whole new way of life in Christ – right down to the way he speaks.

Recently, he has started to reconcile with his son and expressed a desire to return to South Carolina for his graduation from middle school. However, he was at a loss as to where he would find the money to travel. I told him to pray about it and maybe God will provide – he prayed and God provided. The week before he was to leave a few people got wind of the situation and donated the money for a round-trip Greyhound bus ticket! This past weekend he attended his son’s middle school graduation, an event at which he never thought he would be welcomed.

Please continue to lift up Devin in your prayers as he makes his way back from South Carolina. And thank you for providing a place where men like Devin can find hope and reconciliation!

Pastor Don Lyon
New Life Program Counselor

Categories: Perry's Blog