The other day, a man from Nepal, (I’ll call him “Nai”) came into my office — you could almost literally say he was at the end of his rope. Nai was a quiet, gentle soul who, very obviously, had bottled everything inside and he was about to explode. Thankfully, God brought him to the Mission.
This man was in such distress over a serious marital and family problem that every time he walked over the high bridge near where he was staying he thought about jumping into the river below – the only end in sight that made sense to him.
You see, Nai has a wife and children – a wife who is unfaithful and very hurtful to him and children that she has made it impossible for him to see. He works full time at a large company in the area with half his pay going to child support and most of the rest for a mat on the floor in a room where he sleeps.
After listening to a rundown of his unfortunate life events, I strongly encouraged him, “You need to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior.” I told him the Lord could forgive his sins and give the promise of eternal life. He could also transform his life by showing him new boundaries that would protect him from further abuse.
We talked for a long time and then he told me very boldly that he wanted to trust the Lord Jesus as his Savior. We read a tract together and he prayed the sinner’s prayer out loud, accepting the Lord into his life. He left my office with such a different spirit – one of relief – one which saw a way out of this depression and misery.
I arranged for him to attend a church with people of his language and culture and have sent for a Bible in his native language. I invited him to join our VE program and stay with us working for his keep. This will give him fellowship and he’ll be able to save money while he gets his life settled. He will also be able to learn of the unconditional love of Jesus. Please pray that Nai will continue to seek the Lord’s guidance as he navigates these hardships and makes good, but difficult, decisions with his life.
Categories: Perry's Blog