Life can throw all kinds of curve balls our way and most people never think they will end up losing everything, and become broken and homeless.
Thank God for Capital City Rescue Mission and the programs offered free of charge to men and women. People from all walks of life enter the doors of the Mission for a number of reasons – some have fallen on hard economic times, some from addiction, some coming from incarceration, but they all find hope…true hope that comes when these men and women hear the Gospel and make a personal decision to turn their life over to the love and freedom that comes from trusting in Christ.
Often, they are trapped in destructive and dysfunctional relationships of the world…both platonic and romantic. Many hunger for deep and meaningful relationships and they finally find it in the only one that will never let them down… Jesus Christ. They are encouraged to join our New Life Discipleship Program to learn more about the unconditional love of God. During their time in our program they receive guidance from our pastors/counselors, they find a home church and cultivate new friends and learn how to nurture lasting and healthy relationships.
The last couple of months in the New Life Program, participants are required to hold a job and begin saving money. Upon graduation, some of the men decide to join our 1–3 year Transitional Living Program (TLP). They are now able to pay a fee for this program as a part of their transition to independence, but they are also provided with the necessary support and accountability as they continue to grow in their walk with the Lord and work on sustaining those relationships.
During our first 3 years of running the TLP we have been blessed to see men prosper in both their professional and personal lives. Just the other day, I was talking to Richard, a TLP resident who was just married last Saturday, and a light bulb went off. I said, “Richard, do you realize that you are one of five of our residents that are either getting married, or have recently been married?!”
In addition to Richard, Darryl and Leroy are a couple of the TLP’s inaugural residents and first success stories. They both met wonderful women of God during their stay and through the help of their church and pastors, they were married, got decent jobs and have moved out of state.
Craig has been with us for a little over one year, was engaged on Christmas and is planning a wedding for this coming July. He was just approved for a new apartment and will continue to reside in the Albany area.
Finally, Mark, who was also recently engaged, is planning a September wedding and will be relocating with his new wife to Pennsylvania.
It is amazing to see how the Lord works in the lives of the men in our Transitional Living Program. It is a true testament of the Gospel working in the lives of these men and how the TLP program continues to bear much fruit. We are all so happy to see these men grow and give all the glory to God.
David Poach Sr.
Director of Admissions
Categories: Perry's Blog