Proverbs 1:2:
To know wisdom and instruction; to discern the words of understanding;
The sixty-fifth comic of Fools Made Wise is the first comic of three of Pop’s first letter to Leroy (Proverbs 1-9 are letters from a father to his son, imploring him to choose wisdom over foolishness).
Pop starts his letter by asking how Leroy is doing. He tells him that things have been quiet around the farm since he left. He anticipates that Leroy may wonder why Pop is sending him a letter so soon after he took off, and Pop gives him a few reasons.
The first is that he wants Leroy to know that despite all his foolishness, both Pop and Mom love Leroy, and nothing is going to change that. This shows us the unconditional nature of God’s love
toward us, a love that fills us, and hopefully comes out toward others.
After this, Pop encourages Leroy. He knows how hard it is to launch out on his own, and he wants to help him in any way he can. So, out of love, he is going to share with him the wisdom his Dad gave to him. Pop implores Leroy to set his mind to grasp his instructions, to really understand and apply them, because doing that will help him along the way. This part shows us Proverbs 1:2: “To know wisdom and instruction; to discern the words of understanding;”
As the comic ends, Pop encourages Leroy to give it a shot, reminding him that it’s what Pop’s father wanted for him and what he wants for Leroy. He even cracks a jokes with Leroy: It’s not a Tuesday or an odd number day of the week (reasons in the past Leroy has cited for not being able to work) so he should be able to listen to this.
This comic hopefully reminds us of the importance of knowing wisdom and instruction, discerning words of understanding. This is not merely listening, though: it is taking wisdom INTO us and letting it guide our lives. May we learn from Pop’s letter to do this, and watch what God does as a result!
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Categories: Fools Made Wise