Proverbs 11:3:
The integrity of the upright shall guide them, but the perverseness of the treacherous shall destroy them.
The thirty-fifth comic of Fools Made Wise starts with Mom asking if she could talk to Leroy for a minute. VERY disrespectfully, Leroy tells her to make it quick because he wants to leave sometime this century.
Mom tells him that she can’t seem to find her pearl necklace, her gold earrings, or her diamond engagement ring. She then asks him, quite pointedly, if he knew who would be so perverse as to steal them from her?
After Leroy tells her that he has no idea who could do that, she tells him that if he finds them, to let her know. Shen then tells him (in no uncertain terms) that she would hate to see the
relationship destroyed with the person who stole them. This shows us the first part of Proverbs 11:3, that the integrity of the upright shall guide them.
Mom is confronting Leroy and, out of love, is giving him a chance to come clean. But Leroy doesn’t budge. In fact, he boasts that integrity is his middle name, and then asks how much those items would make him in cash. This shows us the second part of Proverbs 11:3, that the perverseness of the treacherous shall destroy them.
Unfortunately, Leroy is on a collision course with destruction, and he doesn’t seem to know it. When offered grace, he doubles down and laughs it off. But this is no laughing matter! There’s an old adage that says, “Be destroying your sin, or it will destroy you!” So may we all learn from Leroy what real integrity looks like, and through Jesus, make decisions that bless others instead of robbing them (and ourselves) of God’s blessings.
For more from Pastor Travis Woronowicz, visit
Categories: Fools Made Wise