
Fools Made Wise #8

Proverbs 10:8:

The wise in heart accept commandments, but a chattering fool will fall.

The eighth comic of Fools Made Wise starts with James on a ladder and Pop praising him for his work. Pop tells him that he did a good job following his directions and that he should start pruning the next row. This reminds of us of the first part of Proverbs 10:8, how the wise in heart accept commandments. This is James to a tee: eager to please and follow any direction Pop gives him.

As James moves on, the scene shifts to Leroy up on the ladder. Pop starts to give him an instruction (“Leroy, when you prune, you have to be careful to…”)— but Leroy cuts him off. He chatters on and on about how he knows all about cutting the ‘suckers’ at the branch. He assures Pop he knows what he is doing, and that he has done this so many times he could teach Pop a thing or two. As he is chattering away, he cuts the branch his ladder is resting on, and falls hard to the ground.

Oh, Leroy…

The comic ends with Leroy on the ground in a daze, realizing that he should position his ladder better next time so he doesn’t end up the sucker. Just like the Proverb teaches, a chattering fool will fall. Every  single time.

Those who are wise in heart accept commandments: this implies that they are quick to listen and slow to speak. How are we doing listening to wisdom these days? How quick do we accept God’s commands for us?

True wisdom is found in accepting God’s commandments (the greatest of these being putting our faith in Jesus Christ, and letting our lives become a response to His love). But there are those who want to be their own gods, deciding for themselves what is right and wrong… but the end of that road leads to a hard fall.

The choice is ours!

For more from Pastor Travis Woronowicz, visit


Categories: Fools Made Wise