
Fools Made Wise #58

Proverbs 11:26:

People curse someone who withholds grain, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it.

The fifty-eighth comic of Fools Made Wise starts with Leroy standing at the farm stand, tipsy from the night before. Ben Lafayette, a local from Ravenport, comes up to him and asks if the grain on the side of the farm stand is for sale. Leroy groggily answers him, “Who knows, man? Does it look like Leroy works here?”

To this, Ben answers it DOES (kind of) look like Leroy works there, but Leroy tells him he is on a break so he should just beat it. Ben is angry with Leroy and lets him know how rude that was. This shows us the first part of Proverbs 11:26, that “People curse someone who withholds grain.” Even though Ben was a bit nicer than most people would be, not everyone would treat Leroy so kindly after being treated so rudely.

After Ben walks away, Leroy thinks out loud to himself: “Man, all these people keep waking Leroy up. He’s got to find a way to get rid of them so he can rest up for his big trip.” A lightbulb then goes off above his head as he gets another one of his “bright ideas.”

In the final panel, Leroy puts out a 75% off sign for everything at the farm stand. Ben is back, bag of grain in hand, and has his wife, Robin with him. Robin tells Leroy that she can’t believe he is selling all this stuff for 75% off and that he must be really generous to do that. Leroy replies that he is a real saint, and as the comic ends, asks her to fork over the dough so he can finish his nap. This part of the comic shows us the second part of Proverbs 11:26, that “blessing will be on the head of him who sells it.”

This comic shows us that we have a choice how we are going to treat others: are we going to treat them in such a way that they want to curse us? Or because Jesus has been so good to us, will we treat people like He has treated us? One way leads to curses; the other, to blessing. Which way will we choose?

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Categories: Fools Made Wise