
Fools Made Wise #56

Proverbs 11:24:

There is one who scatters, and increases yet more. There is one who withholds more than is appropriate, but gains poverty.


The fifty-sixth comic of Fools Made Wise starts with James talking to Pop about a family in need. James asks Pop if he can help them, and Pop tells him yes because when we give to others, God always gives us back more than we give. This shows us the first part of Proverbs 11:24, that “There is one who scatters, and increases yet more.”

Meanwhile, while that whole conversation is going on, Leroy is “working” at the farm stand. A guy shows up and asks Leroy for an apple for free since he doesn’t have any money on him.

Leroy answers him quite rudely, asking him what he is looking at Leroy for. Leroy tells him that he is trying to move out, and needs to keep all this food for himself. Leroy then drops some “wisdom” on him: “Leroy has found that when you help others, you end up not having what you need in the end.”

The man asking for help walks away mad, and tells Leroy he will just go somewhere else. Before he leaves, though, Leroy has the audacity to ask him for help putting all the food in his friend’s car. He then tells him why: no one wants to help Leroy out when he needs it. This shows us the second part of Proverbs 11:24, that “There is one who withholds more than is appropriate, but gains poverty.”

This comic shows us the law of sowing and reaping that God set in motion in our world: what we sow, we will also reap. Because Jesus has been so generous to us, as we receive His grace, may we be a people who sow generously into others. When we do, we’ll find that God blesses us far more than we can ever expect. The opposite is also true: when we are stingy, we can expect the same in return. Let’s learn from Leroy and choose wisely!

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Categories: Fools Made Wise