James' Story

Thank you for giving him new life in Christ!

Hi, I’m James. I grew up in a Christian home in New Jersey. At the age of 12, I experienced intense feelings of betrayal and loneliness when I discovered I was adopted, something my parents had lied about.

I was also diagnosed with a rare disease that kept me in leg casts for 2 years. I began experimenting with drugs as a way to fit in and soon fell into addiction.

Even though I had a good work ethic, when I started using cocaine, that was all I wanted. I would blow through my savings and then turn to crime to keep the party going. One day I found myself on the streets alone, penniless, dirty, and facing a 15 year prison term. I thought, “Lord, I can’t do this anymore.” I was arrested within 24 hours. I was released from prison after 6 years and arrived at Capital City Rescue Mission to participate in the New Life Recovery program. I do not trust easily at all. And yet, when I arrived I felt welcomed and comfortable for the first time in a long time.

During my time in the program, I found the importance of learning from my mistakes and above all, I developed a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. I finally have hope and a path for the future. Today, I’m living in the Transitional Living Program and I have held down a steady job in construction. However, I don’t want to be complacent. I want to continue moving forward with the Lord’s guidance and ultimately help with others.

Thank you for giving me a supportive place where I can grow and walk with Christ!

Thank you for giving me a supportive place where I can grow in walk with Christ!

"I have a place that allows me to grow and walk with Christ!"

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