Beverly's Story

I have hope now because I have the light of Jesus.

My name is Beverly. It was bitterly cold in Albany when I got off the bus last January. I felt hopeless. My fiancé had been shot in the head and died. It seemed like I couldn’t stop crying. I wanted to die too.

I came to Albany to stay with my daughter, but  after a short time I had to leave. Now, I was homeless and scared of everything, even walking outside. Social Services  sent me to the Rescue Mission. At the women’s shelter Miss Mary greeted me warmly and answered my questions.  I felt safe. The next night I sat in the Mission’s chapel service and enjoyed a hot meal. I could tell the  staff and volunteers cared about me.  I began to have hope that God did not want me to die.

Because I had been struggling with drug and alcohol addiction for 22 years, I knew I needed a long term recovery program. I desperately wanted to stop. I began the Mission’s New Faith program for women in February 2018. I had my own apartment and everything I needed. Gradually, I began to realize I could not remain sober in my own strength. I needed to surrender to Christ, the Son of God who gave His life for me. The Word of God became real and I began reading on my own. I was reminded of my grandmother who years ago gave me a children’s Bible and would tell me to call on Jesus. I also began to recognize the anger in my heart that I needed to surrender if I wanted God in my life. I started learning to trust God with my loneliness and my weaknesses. I asked Him to satisfy me.

Today, I know that Christ lives in me. I know I am loved and God has a plan for me. I’ve been clean 23 months.  I’m working on my GED in the Learning Center, have graduated from the New Faith program and am in transition.   As an assistant RA, I’m giving back.

I’m so thankful for the Rescue Mission and thank you for making it possible for me to have a new life. I have hope now because I have the light of Jesus.

"I have hope now because I have the light of Jesus."

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