
Fools Made Wise #4

Proverbs 10:4:

He becomes poor who works with a lazy hand, but the hand of the diligent brings wealth.

The fourth comic of Fools Made Wise starts with Pop coming to Leroy quite frustrated with him. Leroy has only half-picked the trees.

In typical Leroy fashion, he tells his Dad that he will finish them when the mood strikes him—and not a second sooner. He then lights a cigarette, signifying he is now taking a break (the stress of the conversation has clearly taken a toll on him!)

Pop responds to Leroy that they are farmers and that picking the trees only halfway, (after they process the apples and sell them at their farm stand), will only yield about 1/8th of the profit. Pop then challenges Leroy to work harder (a challenge he has given to Leroy over and over again).

At this, Leroy snaps! He angrily tells Pop that he put 120% effort into picking these trees. He tells Pop to add that to their work (estimated at 80%)—and you get like 200% profit. James remarks that he thinks Leroy has only 1/8th of an understanding. Ignoring him, Leroy adds 150% more to his work total. In Leroy’s mind (but unfortunately NOT in reality), his work should yield a 270% profit, compared to his father and brother’s meager 80% profit.

Proverbs 10:4 reminds us that working with a lazy hand (i.e. Leroy and all his ways) leads to becoming poor, whereas the work of the diligent (i.e. Pop and James) brings wealth. Let’s learn from this Proverb to work diligently in all we do because that leads to a better place than what we see reflected in Leroy’s actions.

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Categories: Fools Made Wise