
Fools Made Wise #49

Proverbs 11:17:

The merciful man does good to his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.

The forty-ninth comic of Fools Made Wise starts with Leroy trying to buy a burger at Crossroads Gas. Larry, the gas station clerk, tells Leroy that his total comes out to $3.48.

Leroy flips through his wallet and tells him he only has two greenbacks and a few buttons. Larry tells him that he’ll let him go because God showed him mercy when he didn’t deserve it. This shows us the first part of Proverbs 11:17, that “The merciful man does good to his own soul.”

Not letting that sink in, Leroy tells Larry to hurry up because he has places to go. As Leroy exits and eats his burger, he wishes he had a drink to go along with his burger. At just the right time, his friend Clayto shows up. Instead of being kind to him, Leroy lights into him and asks where his money is. He even threatens to “go ape-crazy” on him if he doesn’t get it.

Similar to Leroy, Clayto tells him that he doesn’t have it, and he asks that Leroy show him mercy until he can pay him back. Leroy responds, “Mercy? What’s mercy? The only mercy you’ll get is the backside of Leroy’s hand! Ha!”— All this after just being shown mercy by Larry. The ending of this comic shows us the second part of Proverbs 11:17, that “He who is cruel troubles his own flesh.”

Instead of showing mercy like he’d been shown mercy, Leroy shows anger instead of grace. This is exactly OPPOSITE of how we are supposed to act after receiving mercy. Jesus talks about this in Matthew 18:21-35. As those who have been given INCREDIBLE mercy by Him, as we receive that mercy by faith, we are to be people who give that mercy freely to others. So with Jesus’ help, let us become people who “do good to our souls” by showing the same kind of mercy we’ve received from Him!

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Categories: Fools Made Wise